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Unreel Charters

Nanaimo Fishing Charters Report 8/22/17

The last few weeks we have been able to get out more regularly doing fishing charters in Nanaimo with lighter winds on the water. I've had some great times out on the water with some great guests. We have been getting some nice coho on our fishing charters Nanaimo on most trips. There are alot of wild coho but also some hatchery fish in the mix as well but they sure put up a good fight with good sizes up to 10 pounds. Our local summer chinook runs have yet to show up in good numbers so we are hoping they arrive any day. The runs are late all up and down the coast but have started to show up in other areas so Nanaimo shouldn't be far behind. Having said that, there still are nice springs around the area and some good ones are being caught just not in the numbers we usually see this time of year. With beautiful sunny weather in the forecast we hope the winds stay down so we can have some great fishing charters to take us into the month of September.

Make it an Unreel Day!

Capt. Blake

Awesome fish for this first time salmon fisherman on a fishing charter nanaimo

Great catch of chinooks on this nanaimo fishing charters

20 pound ling cod caught on a nanaimo fishing trip

nice mix of salmon and rockfish on this nanaimo fishing charter

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